Community Practices & Policies
Princeton Theological Seminary prepares women and men to serve Jesus Christ in ministries marked by faith, integrity, scholarship, competence, compassion, and joy, equipping them for leadership worldwide in congregations and the larger church, in classrooms and the academy, and in the public arena . . . In response to Christ’s call for the unity of the church, the seminary embraces in its life and work a rich racial and ethnic diversity and the breadth of communions represented in the worldwide church. [1]
Because God creates and loves all human beings and has acted in Jesus Christ to reconcile people to God and to each other, we, the people of God, are called to embody reconciliation in the community that is Princeton Theological Seminary. We rejoice in the gifts which particular ethnic histories and cultures bring to our total life, and we recognize as departure from God every attitude and action that is based on the assumption that one racial or ethnic group is innately superior to others. In Christ, diversity is understood as a gift to be celebrated rather than as a problem to be solved. We need those who are different from ourselves in order to experience wholeness in Christ.
As part of our agreement of living together at Princeton Theological Seminary we promise to practice hospitality and seek understanding and integrity in our relationships. With graciousness and generosity of spirit, we will seek out God’s gifts in our neighbors. We will engage in unceasing prayer for the reconciliation of differences and for mutual edification through honest encounters with those who are different. [2]
We also agree to not overlook or tolerate harassment and discrimination. We pledge to speak up and speak out when a sister or brother is belittled or when the behavior of a community member fails to reflect the reconciliation and acceptance we know in Christ. We ask God to grant us wisdom and courage to confront these situations and our sins, and the failures of our community, in love and with a spirit of humility and compassion.
Members of the seminary community are entitled to freedom from harassment, intimidation, and violence or threats of violence. This freedom is attained by respecting members of the seminary community individually and collectively, treating one another fairly, listening well, and doing no harm. [3]
[1] Princeton Theological Seminary Mission Statement, Seminary Handbook pp. 1; 1.1 – 1.3
[2] Living Together Statement as found in the Seminary Handbook, Section 3, p. 2
[3] Seminary Handbook, p.2